Pim Pam Pum Foc is a nonprofit organization dedicated since 1985 to create and carry out fireshows. Every year we create a completely new show (see shows) althougth we have at our disposal all kind of materials to adapt to any situation. The last years we have specialized in the carrying out of customized shows adjusting the scene and the machinery we have at our disposal to the space selected for the show. Our style is fresh, young and modern, we merge gadgets, theatrical gesture, machinery, fire, light and sound. Everything begins when a group of friends decide to organize a fireshow during the celebration of the town's big feast. During the first 10 years, there are some important shows carried out around Girona region and Thuïr, in Catalunya Nord region. In 1995 celebrating the 10th anniversary of the group, Pim Pam Pum Foc organized lots of events: a meeting of dragon figures from around Catalunya, a macrofireshow and the longest firecraker of the world (15 km). It must be stressed the participation in the closing ceremony of the Olimpic Games Barcelona 92, together with "Els Comediants" and the internationalization of the group in "Teatro du Sacro" an international festival in Arezzo (Italy), Miranda de Ebro (Burgos) and Banyeres de Mariola (Alacant).